Renewal Process: Students may re-check materials if they wish to keep them for another week. We must have the actual library item to renew it.
Overdue Books: All books are due one week from the date they are checked out. If a students forgets to return a book, they will not be able to checkout again until all books have been returned. Overdue notices will be sent home to remind students of books they need to return.
Damaged Books: Books that have been damaged beyond repair need to paid for or replaced with a new copy of the book. In the event that a book is damaged, the librarian will send home a damaged book notice to inform parents and students of their options.
Paying for Lost Books: Payment for lost books should not be made until after a period of 30 days. Many "lost" books are often misplaced in the classroom, at home or found quickly. After 30 days, payment will be accepted for lost books. If a book is found after it has been paid for, no refund will be issued and the book should not be returned as a new copy of the book has been purchased. ** If it is the end of the school year, lost books will need to be paid for as soon as possible.**
Book Donations: All library books must meet certain criteria and standards before they can be circulated in schools. At this time, we are not accepting book donations.