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Welcome to Calvert High School Library

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School Librarian

Think Create Share Grow

Library Hours image 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Mission & Vision

Vision – Calvert High School Library will foster a collaborative community of learning and literacy that leads to high academic achievement while preparing students to be independent thinkers and positive contributors to a global society.

Mission - Our mission is to create an inclusive welcoming environment that encourages and is supportive of collaboration and learning.

Calvert High School Library will:

  • provide inclusive, flexible, and inviting learning spaces
  • develop a collection of resources that provides diverse perspectives and is representative of the community
  • promote and support a culture of literacy, a love of reading, and appreciation for diversity
  • collaborate with classroom educators and administrators to design learning experiences that support the school goals and curriculum
  • collaborate with classroom educators to plan, design, teach, and evaluate information literacy learning
  • encourage students to be critical evaluators of information
  • work to ensure students and staff are effective and ethical creators and users of information

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Calvert High School Library

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