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National School Library of the Year Application 2021: Professional Development - Never Stop Learning

This is the electronic portfolio for the National School Library of the Year application for 2021 for Calvert County Public Schools.

never stop learning professional development

Not only do we teach the National School Library standards to our students, but our staff Inquires, Includes, Curates, Collaborates, Engages, and Explores through professional learning on a regular basis!

Calvert County Public Schools supports the professional learning of our school librarians.  We believe that school librarians should never stop learning and we do our best to ensure that all school librarians who want to attend conferences, attend workshops, or have additional professional development are able to do so. 

In the past few years, our district has sent every school librarian to the Maryland Association of School Librarians conference.

Our district has funded the conference registration and hotel fees for school librarians to attend the Common Ground conference in Ocean City, Maryland

The Future of Ed Tech Conference in Florida had attendees from Calvert's school library cohort as well as presenters. 

Several of our school librarian team have attended AASL in 2019 and 2019 and are hopeful to attend again in 2021.

Members of our school librarian team were able to attend ALA when it was hosted in Washington, D.C. in 2019 and New Orleans in 2018.

We also provide a full day of professional development one time per quarter where we can learn and plan together.

As the coordinator for the district, Jen Sturge has found opportunities for the school librarians to:

  • Have a full day professional development on fake news and information literacy at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
  • Have a full day professional development for elementary school librarians at the Apple Flagship Store in Washington, D.C.
  • Have a full day professional development at the Library of Congress in December of 2019.

In addition to learning in professional developments, our school librarians are at the forefront of providing professional development as well.

Our librarians have:

  • Provided school and district level professional development
  • Presented at state conferences
  • Presented at national conferences
  • Written numerous blog posts and had publications in national journals and magazines
  • Partnered with our public library to provide professional development to families and community members

Please enjoy some fun images from our professional development sessions!



Image: During professional development on the AASL Standards librarians had to COLLABORATE to build the tallest balloon tower. 

Melaney Sanchez

Image: Dr. Melaney Sanchez (top left) at the Maryland Teacher of the Year awards with CCPS colleagues. As the TOY for CCPS she spent a year doing intensive professional learning.

Anne, Sally and MOnique

Image: Don't let those smiles fool you. There was some cut-throat competition

book ironing

Image: During a quarterly PD day, we learned from a librarian from the National Archives how to iron and repair a book.

book repair class

Image: Book repair training with the National Archives

first day of school pd fun

Image: Casey and Khristi at opening day PD - Khristi is having fun (really!)


Image: So many great ideas start scribbled on the back of a napkin. Our PD involved figuring out one great idea to move forward with and committing on the back of a napkin.

Mary Brooke Fitzpatrick and Kristin Halstead

Image: "Sporting" the same shirt on a PD day!

CCPS library crew at MASL MD

Image: Group shot at the MASL MD Conference

Lauren Lynn

Image: Lauren Lynn preparing to speak on a panel at MASL MD

Librarians on the loose in Kentucky

Image: What happens in Kentucky at AASL....stays in Kentucky at AASL! Just kidding! We came home and shared our new found knowledge.

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