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National School Library of the Year Application 2021: More Images from Around CCPS

This is the electronic portfolio for the National School Library of the Year application for 2021 for Calvert County Public Schools.

school libraries are for everyone

In Calvert, our school libraries are incredibly proud to support School Library Month every year, with a month devoted to activities, contests and a celebration of school libraries.  We have a yearly proclamation with the Board of Education and the County Commissioners to celebrate and embrace school libraries.  Additionally, students enjoy Banned Books Week, Teen Reading, celebrating the ALA Media Awards, and our own state Black-Eyed Susan Award. Our school libraries celebrate National Gaming Day, Poetry Month, and Multicultural Book Day.  


MJ, Theresa, Braindon

Engaging with scenarios of "What would you do and say?" as part of Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Training.

When you love your librarian so much, sometimes spontaneous hallway hugging happens!


student working on computer

Image: Students sharing their sadness over a death.  Working out feelings authentically using Wixie.

working hard in the library

Image: Students researching in the library.

skyping with an author

Image: Students gather in the library to Skype.

Mrs. Jenkins' Summer Reading Goal!

Image: Mrs. Jenkins sets her summer reading goal!

Rachael Younkers Brandon

Rachael (L) and Brandon (R) display their backpacks full of Jason Reynolds books after spending the after school hours sorting, stuffing backpacks for deliveries to schools.  CCPS hosted Mr. Reynolds in March 2020 and before his visit held a district wide Jason Reynolds book club.  Students in grades 4 and 5 read Ghost.  Students in grades 6,7, and 8 could choose between Ghost followed by Sunny and Lu or The Boy in the Black Suit or Miles Morales.  Students in high school could chose from his entire book bibliography.  Mr. Reynolds presented to students during the day and in the evening CCPS partnered with Calvert Public Library and hosted a sold out (the tickets were free) event of over 1000 students, teachers, and community members. 

Casey Grenier

Image: Librarian or book fairy?

showing an internet safety poster showing an internet safety poster

Image: During the pandemic, when school librarians were concurrently teaching students at home and face to face, internet safety lessons took a whole new approach! In this picture, our students show off their poster from their home and in the library.

working around a table in the library

Image: It's fine, we have it all under control.

Staff Reading in the Library

Image: During a day staff development at PHS, one of the various sessions offered for reducing stress is quiet reading time in the library. Many staff members treasured some time to just READ!!!

Joe Embry during a PD day

Team building at its best. 

Yes, we cut up a book for this!  We used a picture book and every person got a page of the book and we attempted to put the book in order - without talking!  

student sharing work

Image: Elementary student sharing work on the smartboard

student learning on the computer

Image: A student sits socially distanced in DES library.

preparing for the world's fair

Image: Students in AP history prepare to host their own World's Fair.

students collaborating

Image: Students collaborative for an AP review session in the library.

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